Mastery of the art and spirit of the Germanic language enables a man to travel all day in one sentence without changing cars.
As a customer buying translation services, by definition, you can't understand what you are buying otherwise there would be no need to buy it in the first place.
Your document could have been translated into German by an eminent professor of Berlin University or one of their first year undergraduates; would you be able to tell the difference?
Don't be tempted to buy the cheapest service on offer from an inexperienced German Translator . If you assume that, given a particular document, translator 'A' will translate the document in exactly the same way as translator 'B' and the only difference between A and B will be the price you are asked to pay for it, you will be wrong.
The internet hasn't been of much help either. There are people offering translations who frankly shouldn't be doing so. They have no qualifications and no experience. Would you rather have someone that's "trained as a doctor" or someone who has been "on a train with a doctor" to help you during a crisis?
The difference in the phrases is minimal but can have a huge impact on outcome of translation. When it comes to any translation work, it is important that things get done right the first time and every time.
German translator Sydney who hold a Diploma in Translation or a Languages Degree with substantial translation components are likely to produce better results than those who do not. However, don't rule out those with many years experience, especially if they come highly recommended.
Translators can join several well-respected industry bodies and will be vetted before entry. Ask your translator whether they have a professional membership like * National Accreditation Authority For Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) * Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) * Institute of Linguistics (IoL) * Societe francaise des traducteurs (SFT) * Institute of Linguistics American Translators Associations (ATA) * US National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (AIIC).